Thursday, January 04, 2007

The chimpster is looking for ideas to warm the globe

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush on Thursday welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel's proposal to prod the Middle East peace process and said he was open to new ideas to combat global warming.
"I believe there is a chance now to put behind us the old stale debates of the past," Bush said at a joint White House news conference with the German leader.
It was a reference to past differences between Bush and European allies on the Kyoto accords, an international agreement to reduce pollution that causes global warming. It has not been ratified by the United States.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Bush is talking to Merkel about keeping the fact that torture prisons were used in Germany and flights were used. Now that the investigations are starting he has to keep this fact from the Congress. No problem as the people who saw the flights will tell. Merkel is putting herself in the position to fall like Blair did by teaming up with the true Axis of Evil.