Thursday, January 04, 2007

Go Rangel!

Rep. Charles Rangel
Chair, Committee on Ways & Means

"I don't know why any member that's asking the taxpayers to fund a project would not be proud to have their name on it."
Here an excerpt of his interview on PBS:
MARGARET WARNER: Of course, the elephant in the room is the Iraq issue. The president is getting ready to make a proposal, as we know, for a, quote, "new way forward" in Iraq. Where are Democrats on this now? I mean, do you have a unified position? And is there much or any support for the idea of a troop surge?
REP. CHARLES RANGEL: That elephant is in America's living room. And Americans are way ahead of the Congress in being able to demand that we have hearings, that we ask questions as to why we are asking 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 American men and women to get involved in Iraq in a surge.
We will have hearings for the first time. What is a surge? How many people will be in harm's way with a surge? What's the additional $100 billion for? What have we done with the last $400 billion? How many of our friends in the area, Egyptians, Saudis, Jordanians, are going to be involved in the so-called surge?
And if the military says we can't have a military victory, Mr. President, what are we doing there, and how long do we have to be there? Believe me: We don't have to talk about cutting the funds, impeaching the president. The American community is fed up, and we've got to get some answers.

MARGARET WARNER: Yes, if Democrats have taken off the table the idea of holding up funds, what can Democrats really do if they don't like what the president proposes?
REP. CHARLES RANGEL: I've just given you a whole lot of questions that the president has to answer. And let me make it abundantly clear. No president can conduct any war without the support of the American people.

We merely in the House of Representatives reflect them, but the American people have spoken once at the election. And when they come back to the drawer and ask for more money, we're going to demand more answers.
It's really not even a partisan thing. I'm embarrassed for the president, my country, the commander-in-chief, the brave men and women that are over there, the people that are being asked to volunteer, not as a Democrat, but as an American. This is a terrible period in our history.
MARGARET WARNER: So, briefly, are you saying that you expect the president to be mindful if, in fact, a majority on the Hill disapprove of his idea?
REP. CHARLES RANGEL: Well, I'm telling you that they will disapprove of his idea, and we can't stop the chief executive, the commander-in-chief, from saying what he has to say. But he's going to pay a political toll.
And let me make it clear: There are many, many Republicans, and a lot of Democrats, who believe the Democratic victory was due to the president's lack of popularity and is responsible for a lot of Republican losses. Now they got just two years with this guy, and I don't think they're going to be walking in lock-step to anything that he says about staying the course.

More on the interview.


Anonymous said...

"It's really not even a partisan thing. I'm embarrassed for the president, my country, the commander-in-chief, the brave men and women that are over there, the people that are being asked to volunteer, not as a Democrat, but as an American. This is a terrible period in our history."
per Rangle

enough said

airJackie said...

I want to know what happen to the 400 billion dollars that Bush got for Iraq. We've spent 2 Trillion dollars on Afghan/Iraq with nothing to show for it. Let's get some answers from the Gerbil. Or should we start with questions to the President Dick Cheney.

FBI said...

I loved that interview with Charlie...he always puts a smile on my face with his candor!

TGCN pulled one of my fav quotes out!!!

"This is a terrible period in our history"

SP Biloxi said...

Rangel called a spade a spade. He did a great interview last night. As Jackie pointed out, I am glad that Rangel brought up the topic of the 400 billion dollars that is MIA.