Friday, November 17, 2006

Go Obama!

Robo Callers Punished Under New Obama Bill

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) has introduced legislation that seeks to punish harassing robo calls and other attempts to mislead voters -- a bill distinct from one Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has talked about introducing, which he said would be among the first 10 bills in the new Senate.
"We look forward to working with Sen. Reid to getting this passed," Obama's spokesman Tommy Vietor told me, who added the bill was "specifically written" to include the NRCC's robo calls in its targetted dirty tricks. "I know it's an issue important to him. It's important to Sen. Obama as well."
The full release follows...

The full release from Obama's office:

U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) this week introduced legislation to protect Americans from tactics that intimidate voters and prevent them from exercising their right to vote on Election Day. The legislation builds on similar legislation he introduced last year by including specific language to address misleading fliers and harassing robocalls that occurred during the 2006 cycle. More on the story.


Anonymous said...

That's how Tammy Duckworth lost, Obama supported her for congress. The calls started out with her name so people would get aggravated and hang up, and think she was the annoying one. The calls were actually from the Republican party, if you listened longer, which most did not you would know that. She almost won against Roskam.

Anonymous said...

Also Obama is getting more work to do in the senate and is on a lot more commitee etc. so we can expect more coming out of the Senate.

SP Biloxi said...

I was disappointed Ms. Duckworth lost but she was very close. She should be proud of herself for her accomplishment. I don't think we will hear the last from Duckworth.. Obama has been busy in the Senate. But, I am glad that working a bill on phone rigging now the Democrats are in control of Congress and Senate. Time to clean up the trash...

Anonymous said...

And I don't know if you remember the Senate Race Obama slam dunked in Illinois Obama Senate race

Yes Obama's Republican opponent Jack Ryan (replacing Peter Fitzgerald-R)had his divorce records sealed and then they were unsealed to find out his wife did not want to participate in "group activities", putting it nicely and other such behavior. Do you have to be a pervert to be Repulblican?

Well he dropped out and we picked up the Jack Ryan for Senate signs and filled my Mom's front lawn, she has a sense of humor, also a South Sider, also least likely to vote Republican.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, I remembered Obama's slamed dunked race against the carpet bagger Keyes. Keyes didn't have a prayer in that race.. Interesting about Ryan...

"Do you have to be a pervert to be Repulblican?"

Well Chicago Native, it is not the party that is perverted. It is the people that represented that party that is perverted and corrupted. So, for McCain to say that he can fix the problem in the GOP party is totally delusional.. The GOP party need to get rid of garbage and wipe the slate clean of corruption within that party...

airJackie said...

Obama has to keep on eye on Joe six pack.