Friday, November 17, 2006

Bush Studies But Flunks the Test

The chimpster must have slept through history class..

Having avoided fighting in Vietnam, President Bush is belatedly "reading and studying" about the country. The lesson to be learned from the Vietnam war is simple: the United States should not wage war against a country that has not attacked, and poses no credible threat to the security of, the United States or its significant allies.

[A]sked on arrival in Vietnam for an economic summit whether this country holds any lessons for the debate over Iraq, the President answered: "Yes. One lesson is, is that we tend to want there to be instant success in the world, and the task in Iraq is going to take a while."

In other words, the lesson Bush learned from the Vietman war is: stay the course. Brilliant. All those years of staying the course in Vietman worked so well.

And I can really learn history lesson from the Internets-in-chief..


Anonymous said...

I have been listening to what the Chimp has been saying on his Vietnam visit......painful, it's hard to listen to news radio. Someone send him home and to his ranch so he can do less damage.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, it is painful since the Gerbil has turned the war in Iraq like Vietnam. I got a disturbing message from a friend whose close friend's grandson was captured in Iraq and there is no news to when he will be released.. So, I pray for that family..

Send the Gerbil home? The Gerbil should be outsourced.. He has taken up too much space on this planet.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to someone from the Neighborhood who has a son over in Iraq, and he said they were given cease fire orders in October, which you recall was one of the most deadliest months, but really it was about trying to keep casualties down right before elections, but it backfired.
Yes corporate profits up 72%, wages up just under 2%, and economy looks good.....but new home sales are at thier lowest in 6 years. Yes outsourced jobs is apparant here. Also the Chimp said in Nam today we will stay the course because we Won the war in Nam........someone please stop him before one more stupid thing comes out of his mouth!

Anonymous said...

Better idea bring the Chimp home and put him in a car and his wife in another.

Time to try this with a husband

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, I remember the coverup of Laura's crime. A notice the media doesn't discuss that. The chimpster has nerve to talk about Nam when the draft dodger was drunk in the military. Since many of the Nam vets suffered from Agent Orange, lord know what our soldoers will suffer from when they return..

airJackie said...

Give him jail time and no pardon. He sent our troops to die for White House/GOP greed. Crimes against humanity.