Friday, November 17, 2006

More bad news for Scooter...

U.S. Lawyers: Libby May Have Disclosed Iraq Secrets

A former White House aide, I. Lewis Libby, may have disclosed conclusions from a highly classified government report on Iraq to journalists before the report was declassified by President Bush, federal prosecutors said in a new court filing. More on the story.


airJackie said...

I told Fitz this would happen as Libby tries to get out of this crime he would release more information about other criminal acts. Look if he has to use the information about Iraq to defend himself there is always the problem of letting other information out. Now with the current investigations they can use what Libby has in his trial to convict others for more crimes. Fitz this is a prosecutors dream free info from an insider. You struck goal young man.

airJackie said...

I hope Fitz reads this here it goes.
Look for Libby to plead guilty and Rove will ask for a deal in the un Sealed case. DON'T GIVE ANY BREAKS TO THE CROOKS. This is time for justice for the American people.