Sunday, August 20, 2006

What a shame!

President Bush stood in the Crescent City's historic Jackson Square and swore he would "do what it takes" to rebuild the communities and lives that had been laid to waste two weeks before by Hurricane Katrina.

Our goal is to get the work done quickly," the president said.
He promised to spend federal money wisely and accountably. And he vowed to address the poverty exposed by the government's inadequate Katrina response "with bold action."
A year after the storm, the federal government has proven slow and unreliable in keeping the president's promises.

It is a shame that the Administration dropped the ball on the Katrina victims with empty promises. Let's remember this first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the loss of love ones from the hurricane.


airJackie said...

Promises not kept and never will be. Bush isn't concerned about the Katrina victims as our tax dollars go to Iraq, Afgan, paying for killing people, propaganda and spreading the taxpayers money to friends. When we get a President for all the people things will change for the better for all Americans.

SP Biloxi said...

It is a shame after one year of Hurricane victims that nothing has change in those states that were hit and there were empty promises giving to the victims for a new home. New Orleans will never be the same. The roots and heritage of New Orleans have been destroyed forever.. You are right... The Chimpster in office could care less about the Katrina victims and Rita victims. All of his time and energy is on Iraq and Afghanistan!! Let's hope that the new Presodent of this country can restore the faith and intrust in democracy in this country!