Saturday, August 19, 2006

Welcome Justice bloggers!

I will be posting current and cutting edge information on the blog on what is happening in this country. I hope that you will provide what is in your mind and thoughts. So, what is on your mind for Saturday?


airJackie said...

IMPEACHMENT of George W. Bush.
Thank goodness the UN spoke up for the Israel attack on Lebanon are the peace deal. I wondered who would break the truce now we know. Bush can't win for losing everything is going down hill. So I guess it's back to the bottle and Tony Snow making up more lies to cover Bush's butt. Cheney is in hot water and is lawyering up. Libby will have to sell more chicken wings for money now the his got two cases going. Rove is have to give up this shares in oil to pay for his lawyers. Congress is confussed now that Americans know they have rubber stamped every corrupt act Bush/Cheney told them to do. Our troops are sitting ducks in Iraq as the civil war continues. Who would have thought history would repeat itself with this one idiot (Bush) who has caused chaos around the world in 5 years.

Jordan said...

Hye Bil! Blog is starting to look good! Good luck with it!

Jordan said...

Is it okay if I put your blog as one of my links?

SP Biloxi said...


Go ahead and place my blog as one of your links.. My blog is still work in process. Just need to do some touchups...


You are right. Hisotry has repeated itself because the the Gerbil and company is using the same playbook as Nixon.. But, we know the fate of Nixon.. Yup, Cheney is lawyered up. He certainly will not go down with Prokrind and the smurf!!!

Jordan said...

So waterflake is now occupying this blog and not her own?

Sandra said...

Hey Jordan,

I only joined Biloxis team because she's on mine! Quitt pro quo

We sort of are the "Transatlantic Coalition"

I'll make sure you'll get all the News from Europe that concern the US like when Bush came to visit our Merkel and both spend 20 Million Euro on a Grill Party....

SP Biloxi said...


I have allow Waterflake to be a team members because she can provide international news that she can share with us. I am on her team.. You should check out her website:

So, Waterflake is not occupying the blog. She is just a contributor of articles.. I will be approving all articles before it is posted.. Not to worry...

Jordan said...

Oh, I wasn't worrying about that,just that when I click on her name I couldn't find her blog.

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