Sunday, August 20, 2006

This is what a real President should be

Happy 6-0 Bill Clinton!

NEW YORK (AFP) - Former US president

Bill Clinton -- now a globe-trotting activist who seems far from retiring, and never far from the limelight -- turned 60, celebrating with family and friends despite his professed distaste for becoming a sexagenarian.

"President Clinton will be spending his birthday with good friends, his wife and daughter," spokesman Joe Perry said Friday. Perry did not say whether the celebration would take place at Clinton's home in New York or elsewhere.


airJackie said...

Bill is like part of my family like the brother I wish I had. He's not perfect but who is. I enjoyed life during his Presidency and he made all people feel equal. To bad that's gone under this Administration. Yes 60 is getting up there but we have so much we can remember. The civil rights struggle and the joining of all Americans was great to see. Sad to say we're going backward so it's up to the young people to keep Dr. Kings dream alive. I wish Bill the best that life has to offer and I know he is blessed by God because he always looks to help all people regardless of race. History will show a great man who was human like the rest of us. I'll join my brother Bill in 7 months as I look at that big 60. We have just gotten started and we can still dance.

SP Biloxi said...

Bill Clinton was not a perfect president. In fact, all the presidents were not perfect. But, we certainly had a surplus of money in this country and we weren't at a war in false pretenses. Clinton has been out of office for 5 1/2 years as he is still as popular when he was President for two terms. That tells you that Clinton still has character, integrity, and respect around the globe. And did anybody around the globe and in this country wish the chimpster a happy B-day? No, people blew that day over as another day another dollar. The chimpster will see how much love from the American people that he will have when he gone from office. My bet is zilch!!

Happy Birthday, Bill! and many more!!

Sandra said...

Congrats SPB!

I was wondering when you would finally come up with your own blog you deserve your own fan community...

Looking forward to some intersting debates and News...

Hi Jackie glad to see you hear too...

Now Biloxi do we have a troll patrol?

Jordan said...

Water flake said...
"Now Biloxi do we have a troll patrol?"

Hopefully, there know fun.

SP Biloxi said...

Hi, Waterflake and Jordan..

This blog will not allow Anonymous to post. So, hopefully, I will have less trolls.. I am only allowing people with blog names only. But, I have sent selcective emails to people about this blog... I dont want this blog to turn into Fitz' blog full of trolls. I don't mind trolls but not the the ones who berate a blog.

Jordan said...

Yup. Good idea. I luckly don't get any trolls. Just spam once in a while.

SP Biloxi said...


Welcome aboard!

Yeah, you did tell me about the liquid ban.. What DHS is not realizing is that the perfume and cologne industry are a billion dollar business. If DHS continues to ban perfumes, body lotions, and colognes, and so on, only the perfume and cologne industry would lose revenue but there would be some stanky people on the plane!! LOL! But, on a serious note, it is a bit ridiculous of these bans.. People may rethink to use car rental.

As far as Cheney, Cheney is on borrowed time in health. Cheney has had so many close calls to death. He hasn't yet attempt to be the best person. I think the 18% who like Cheney are going to be the ones who will take a moment of silence if he slumps over for good..People only remember people who did right in this world to others..

Old Knudsen said...

Is this what a real president should be?,he shags all round him and lies now hes trying to circumcise the Africans, c'mon you can do better than this, close but no cigar, HA!, though he was better than anyone called Bush.