Saturday, August 26, 2006

What federal aid money for the Katrina victims?

Remember the American city with roots that the incompetent-in-chief wiped off the map? Still screwed....

New Orleans awaits billions in fed aid

It's an incredible bureaucracy. It's unbelievable," Mayor Ray Nagin said in an interview with The Associated Press this week.
So far, the city has collected only $117 million to start the repair work in what has been billed as the largest urban restoration in U.S. history.
For every repair project, city officials must follow a lengthy application process — and spend their own money — before getting a dime of federal aid to fix at least 833 projects such as police stations, courtrooms, baseball fields or auditoriums.


airJackie said...

The money was stolen by our govenment employees, big business and Dick Cheney. Bush will set up an investigation to find out what happen to billions gone to corrpt people. Don't worry Bush will get to the bottom of this as soon as he can get around to it. Maybe 2009 we'll hear something like he got a pen to sign the order, oops he's no longer in office case closed.

airJackie said...

Kitty cat that's so true so true.
I love that fact that the picture of you covers all of us both black/white so you see both sides. I wish we all were that combination and put this racism to rest. At lease when or should I say if one gets to heaven none of it will matter.

SP Biloxi said...

I am looking forward of hearing him on Meet the Press too..Jackie,
reporters don't like Nagin because he called a spade a spade.. I wish many of the nimrod reports have more backbone to ask tough questions and do their jobs...