Friday, August 25, 2006

The Gerbil playbook vs. Nixon playbook

Same playbook but different era...


airJackie said...

Correct SPB
Now here's the results of what happens Bush will resign, Cheney will leave on medical problems excuse and Rummy will be sent home.
Remember no President has been impeached yet it's better for the country that they resign. Spiro Agnew resigned because of criminal acts. I'm afraid this isn't the last we'll hear about the Nixon play book. Their are young students of Bush/Cheney team that will try to repeat this plan and yes up date it to their time. History always repeats itself if you don't learn from out mistakes.

SP Biloxi said...

That's sure.. History does repeats itself.. Nixon was caught and the Gerbil and company will get caught.. It is only a matter of time...As far as the young students part of the the Gerbil/Ambien staff, yes, they are breeding the next generation.. But, it is up to those young people to whether they repeat and later the the Gerbil playbook or simply trash it...