Friday, August 25, 2006

Rove is living in fantasyland

Rove imagines different outsources for 9/11--how about if his boss was paying attention?

Karl Rove is in full campaign mode. It's terror, terror, terror. He's always speculating about all the ways 9/11 could have been prevented:
Presidential adviser Karl Rove criticized a federal judge's order for an immediate end to the government's warrantless surveillance program, saying Wednesday such a program might have prevented the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.Rove said the government should be free to listen if al-Qaida is calling someone within the U.S."Imagine if we could have done that before 9/11. It might have been a different outcome," he said.
It might have been a different outcome if we had a President who didn't ignore the August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Imagine if we had a President who took terrorism seriously back in 2001

And imagine the different outcome of Hurricane Katrina victims if the mangler-in-chief paid attention to the victims in need, did his job, and didn't ignore the cries of the victims in need.

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...

I chose that picture because it shows Rove's arrangance toward the public.. Maybe his thumbing the nose picture will get people to wake up and get out and vote.. As far as the intel abut OBL, the Gerbil Administration knew about Bin Laden's possible attack on this country but they had a hidden agenda planned before the Gerbil crawled into the Oval office.. He ignored the intel just like he ignored the Katrina victims and about the leeves!!!