Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another pet project for the Gerbil?

And how much it going to cost the United States? What about the U.S. debt?

Bush Pledges $230 Million To Lebanon, Less Than One Day Of Spending In Iraq

President Bush, today:
Today, I’m announcing that America will send more aid to support humanitarian and reconstruction work in Lebanon, for a total of more than $230 million. These funds will help the Lebanese people rebuild their homes and return to their towns and communities. … America is making a long-term commitment to help the people of Lebanon because we believe every person deserves to live in a free, open society that respects the rights of all.

A recent study by Foreign Policy/CGD also shows that out of the world’s 21 richest countries, the U.S. ranks just 19th in foreign aid. Iran, on the other hand, has reportedly said that it would provide Hezbollah with an “unlimited budget” for reconstruction.


Don't get me wrong Lebanon needs aid in that country but the President is treating the U.S. dollar like monopoly money. And when the Pet Project-in-chief is going to focus on the issues in the U.S.?


airJackie said...

Bush is giving Lebanon 230 million dollars so they will like the US. Now I think we should ask Iran to help with the clean up rebuilding of the Gulf Coast.

SP Biloxi said...

The Gerbil is acting like the Joker. Joker gave millions of dollars to Gotham City. Gerbil thinks he can just frisbee money to countries like candy.. But, the taxpayers in this country have to flip the bill...