Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Armitage met with Bob Woodward

Calendars show Armitage met reporter

WASHINGTON - Then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage met with Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward in mid-June 2003, the same time the reporter has testified an administration official talked to him about CIA' employee Valerie Plame.

Armitage's official State Department calendars, provided to The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, show a one-hour meeting marked "private appointment" with Woodward on June 13, 2003.


I wonder what Armitage and Woodward discussed. And what information did he share with SP Fitzgerald? Once again, the media is a year late and dollar short of this so-called latest news. In November 2005, Jason Leopold revealed this information who is realy the possible source for Bob Woodward:

"Woodward, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter whose investigative stories on the Watergate scandal forced the resignation of President Richard Nixon, made a stunning announcement last week when he revealed that he was told about Plame Wilson in mid-June 2003 by 'current or former administration officials.' "

"Now that Woodward has narrowed the date of his conversation with the unnamed administration official to June 13 and June 16, 2003, the list of potential suspects can easily be boiled down to two: National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage."



airJackie said...

I'll wait for the truth to come out these bites and pieces just don't work for me. The press will print any propaganda to keep a story going even if it's a lie. The only person that knows the facts of this case is Patrick J. Fitzgerald and he'll let the public know in due time the truth of the leak. I'll wait for him.

SP Biloxi said...

Again, the media wants to try to provide answers to the leak case since Fiz and his team have been secretive about the whole case form the beginning.. I just think that the media at times want to divert the focus on someone else like Armitage than on the main key players eho orchastrated to discredit Wilson. As Jakcie said, we will wait for Fitz and team to advise the public in due time.