Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another shoe drop on Armitage

Armitage may not be out of the woods yet...

Plame Considering Suing Armitage
Plame Considering Suing Former State Department Official in CIA Leak Case

WASHINGTON - Former CIA officer Valerie Plame is considering suing the recent No. 2 State Department official in a case accusing members of the Bush administration of conspiring to leak her identity to the media, Plame's attorney said Tuesday.



SP Biloxi said...

That list of officals involved in leaking Plame's identity started to get longer..The Wilsons should take them all for everything including their underwear!

airJackie said...

Now that's a pretty lady. But Joe Wilson isn't bad on the eyes either.

SP Biloxi said...

I just hope that the Wilson can go on with their lives and their children after this case is over.. The defendents in the civil lawsuit case are realizing the turmoil and confusion that they are putting on the Wilsons' children. Those children should not be put through their parents's hell.