Friday, April 15, 2011

Promissory Note Endorsements - Brought To You By Photoshop

Two endorsements on this promissory note, both signatures are exact replicas, note the upward tilt of the last name.  Joan Mills, endorsed the note over to her employer (Wells Fargo) and then endorsed it in blank.

Joan Mills, endorsed the note over to her employer (Wells Fargo) and then endorsed it in blank.

Also, Wells Fargo FORECLOSED on this property. This is their alleged signature page of the note. You can clearly see where they have stamped their "Without Recourse Pay to the Order of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A." at the bottom, and it's signed by Joan M. Mills, Vice President.

What's wrong with this picture?

Click Here to see:  Note.pdf

Check out the top of the page, where it says, "BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower acceepts and agrees to the terms and provisions contained in this PUD Rider


Anonymous said...

Please note that the Joan M. Mills signature is a stamp when compared to others. Alos, does anyone see the original loan number on this document? I have noted that many of the foreclosure attorneys or Wells Fargo themselves have whited out the original loan numbers.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, Joan M. Mills has a VP position at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, NOT Wells Fargo Bank, NA