Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Biloxi Buzz for Wednesday

Madoff Judge Maintains Seal on JPMorgan Banking Secrets

AOL, Arianna Huffington Hit with Class Action Suit  —  Jonathan Tasini.  Image via Wikipedia  —  Huffington Post bloggers who think they ought to get paid for their volunteer writing have been litigating their case in the court of public opinion.  Now they're taking it to a real one.
PRESIDENT AND MICHELLE OBAMA APPEARING ON ‘THE OPRAH SHOW’  —  President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are heading back to the Windy City later this month to appear on “The Oprah Show.”  —  The first couple will be in Chicago to tape the show on April 27 (while in town to attend …
Weiner: NBC should tell Trump, 'You're fired'  —  A New York Democrat asked Tuesday how long it would take for “The Apprentice” host Donald Trump to lose his job due to his flirtations with running for president.  —  Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) suggested that Trump, the real estate mogul …

Obama turns to his bipartisan deficit commission's blueprint for reducing debt  —  Video: White House press secretary Jay Carney reiterated Monday that President Obama “regrets” his vote in 2006 as a senator against raising the debt ceiling.  (April 11)  —  President Obama plans this week

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