Saturday, March 12, 2011

Are anonymous hackers about to expose something awful about BofA on Monday?

Now Gawker's Adrien Chen points out that a member of the hacker group Anonymous going by the handle OperationLeaks on twitter is claiming to have damning docs on the bank that will likely be released Monday.

OperationLeaks has been teasing all day on twitter about having received documents on the bank from a disgruntled employee.

Chen's own sources within Anonymous suggest there's something real to the leaks.

In terms of substance, it's not clear what we might see . This tweet regarding is the closest thing to anything explanatory:

He Just told me he have GMAC emails showing BoA order to mix loan numbers to not match it's Documents.. to foreclose on Americans.. Shame

If something does go up Monday, it's likely to be at

Read on.

More from Zerohedge:

As a "teaser", the Anonymous member released a November 1, 2010 email between two Balboa Insurance (a BAC subsidiary) employees, which while not proving any fraud, indicates he/she does indeed have access. The timeline on the email makes sense as it is a few weeks prior to the original disclosure that Wikileaks would expose BofA. Perhaps the Assange team merely handed off its materials to Anonymous, which has previously demonstrated its solidarity with the Australian on various occasions.

The full letter is below.

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