Sunday, December 19, 2010

What is a perception of the American people around the globe? Here is an example


Here are few comments from people around the globe, which clearly indicate that the perception of American citizens in not a positive one:

"My friend from France: Americans are such pu**ies- they never protest for their beliefs, has that become illegal in your country now? Why are no middle or lower classes in your country revolting? Are they scared of the police? What's going on over there? Is every man masturbating or playing World of War Craft? Seriously - your country is going to sh*t! They talk about 'Freedom fries' - please - French women & children face down their government more than American men do."

"...they aren't playing war craft...they are watching "American Idol", more Americans voted for their favorite pop star than they have in ALL the presidential elections combined."

"Agreed. While I was still living in the States, it always annoyed the crap out of me getting that glazed over, uninterested look, whenever trying to discuss issues beyond who was playing in the Super Bowl that year. It appears that most of the population in the States falls into the "lights are on, but nobody's home" category."

Translation: Wake up people and get involved. Is the person from France correct? Check out this from Raw Story:

A University of Maryland study (PDF) published earlier this month found that people in the survey who had the most exposure to Fox News were more likely to believe falsehoods and rumors about national and world affairs when compared to those who paid attention to other news outlets.

In a summary carried by Alternet, the following falsehoods were most relayed by Fox News viewers:

91 percent believed the stimulus legislation lost jobs;

72 percent believed the health reform law will increase the deficit;

72 percent believed the economy is getting worse;

60 percent believed climate change is not occurring;

49 percent believed income taxes have gone up;

63 percent believed the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts;

56 percent believed Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout;

38 percent believed that most Republicans opposed TARP;

63 percent believed Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear).



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