Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Part deux: Obama as victim of Chase robo-signer

First we will start with a screen shot of ANOTHER ONE of Obama’s Satisfaction of Mortgage…
Urban Roman signed off on their release of mortgage.

Now you ask, so what is wrong with that?

Nothing on it’s face, but you know how I roll…

With all that is going on with the robosigning, forgeries, fabrications and LIES, we decided to dig into this to see if something was there to help educate the masses on the issues that all of us as Americans face…

Guess what we found AGAIN…

President Obama is a victim AGAIN of the robosigning phenomenon that has taken the financial industry by storm…

And it has been happening for OVER A DECADE behind the veil of MERS…

How else would you explain this?

Check it out…

Let’s clarify if the same person notarized these documents…


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