Saturday, October 09, 2010

Court answers questions about AK candidate Joe Miller's judgeship

According to the release, authored by Clerk Marvel Hansbraugh:

-- Joe Miller worked as a magistrate judge from June 13, 2002 to June 1, 2004

-- Kathleen Miller provided clerical assistance to him from June to December 2002.

-- It is common for judges to use personnel from their private law practices to assist with the administrative needs of the court.

-- Miller was initially told it was OK to for him to hire his wife in such a capacity.

-- Sometime later, the chief judge at the time advised Miller the employment relationship might in fact be prohibited, at which time Miller terminated his wife's employment

Read on.

And this interesting nugget from Hansbraugh's letter:

She was an employee of Mr. Miller and not of the District Court. Mr. Miller was subsequently advised by the Chief Judge of this District that 5 U.S.C. § 3110 might prohibit a part-time Magistrate Judge from hiring his wife as an assistant.

Read on.

On a side note: Since Miller's wife worked for 6 months and received unemployment, why wasn't Miller reprimanded for hiriing his wife that worked for 6 months?

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