Sunday, April 18, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Sunday.

Limbaugh: Volcanic ash cloud God's punishment for health care

Palin show 'a new low' for Discovery
Discovery insider claims ad buyers unimpressed, says 'no one took it seriously.'

For congressional Republicans, the argument was a little trickier.
Republicans sought to tie President Barack Obama to Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs after it was hit with civil fraud charges.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) released a statement after the Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges against the Wall Street titan, calling the firm a "key supporter" of the president's bid to reform the nation's financial regulatory system.
"These are very serious charges against a key supporter of President Obama's bill to create a permanent Wall Street bailout fund," Boehner said Friday in the statement. "Despite President Obama's rhetoric, his permanent bailout bill gives Goldman Sachs and other big Wall Street banks a permanent, taxpayer-funded safety net by designating them 'too big to fail.' Just whose side is President Obama on?" [...]
Boehner's office also pointed to Goldman employees having collectively contributed more than almost any other company or institution to Obama during the presidential campaign.
Boehner's analysis of the legislation is, on its face, idiotic. But putting the obvious legislative nonsense aside, I can't quite wrap my head around Boehner's political point.
To hear the dimwitted Minority Leader put it, the Obama administration and Goldman Sachs are close allies, and the administration-backed reform bill is intended to help firms like Goldman Sachs. And we now know for sure that administration officials are carrying water for Goldman Sachs because ... they just charged Goldman Sachs with fraud.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Limpball (just how is that mess spelled) must have been spending too much time watching the 700 Club to come up with that nonsense. Did April 1 come a little late this year or did he get into the special happy pills again?