Monday, April 19, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

McCain Denies That He Is ‘Running Away From The Maverick Title’: ‘I Prefer Great American Myself’
On Fox News Sunday yesterday, host Chris Wallace played a series of clips of McCain referring to himself as a “maverick” and asked how he could say that he never considered himself one. In response, McCain admitted that he wore the “maverick” label when he criticized President Bush, but insisted that he only considered himself “a person who’s a fighter.” He denied he was “running away from the maverick title”:

WALLACE: You said, I never considered myself a maverick.

MCCAIN: Well, all I — what I was saying was that I have considered myself a person who’s a fighter. I wouldn’t be around today if I wasn’t a fighter. I fight for the things that I believe in, and sometimes that’s called a maverick. Sometimes that’s called a partisan. And people can draw their own conclusions. I prefer great American myself, but…

WALLACE: So are you running away from the maverick title…

MCCAIN: No, of course not.

WALLACE: … because somehow it indicates that maybe you’re not a true blue conservative

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