Friday, April 16, 2010

JPM CFO sells 32,073 Shares



CFO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (
JPM) Michael J Cavanagh sells 32,073 shares of JPM on 04/15/2010 at an average price of $48 a share.

Directors and Officers Recent Trades:

· Sell:: Executive Vice President
Jay Mandelbaum sold 25,000 shares of JPM stock on 03/24/2010 at the average price of 44.75, the price of the stock has increased by 2.5% since.

· Sell:: Vice Chairman
Steven D Black sold 168,574 shares of JPM stock on 03/17/2010 at the average price of 44, the price of the stock has increased by 4.25% since.

· Sell:: Managing Director
Mary E. Erdoes sold 5,000 shares of JPM stock on 02/12/2010 at the average price of 38.71, the price of the stock has increased by 18.5% since.

· Sell:: Executive Vice President
Jay Mandelbaum sold 25,000 shares of JPM stock on 02/03/2010 at the average price of 40.83, the price of the stock has increased by 12.34% since.

· Sell:: Managing Director
Mary E. Erdoes sold 5,000 shares of JPM stock on 02/02/2010 at the average price of 40.48, the price of the stock has increased by 13.32% since.

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