Thursday, August 13, 2009

From Biloxi mail bag: Planet Wingnut News for Thursday.

I received these two emails yesterday in spam from tea party members. Yes, I unsubscribed to both of them. I believe in free speech. This will be a never ended story.

From the El Dorado Tea Party:

For Immediate Release: August 12, 2009

Contact: John Wilson 870-814-7528

Mike Ross is holding a Town Hall in El Dorado today at the Ellis Conference Center

Concerned Constituents, Business Owners, and TEA Party leaders to express concern for Ross' support of HR 3200 including his mixed message on federal funding of abortion

EL DORADO, Ark – Concerned citizens, Business Owners, and Tea party activists will be attending Mike Ross', D- Ark. first town hall meeting in his district at the Ellis Conference Center today at 3:00 PM. They will be expressing their concerns with HR 3200, the so-called "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" and expressing their frustration with Ross' support for this bill as made evident with his vote in favor on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"For weeks we have made calls, written letters, sent faxes, and met with district staff," said John Wilson of the Conservative Action Project based in El Dorado. "We are concerned that Ross is not listening to us, his constituents, and instead has caved in to Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Waxman. We want to express to Rep. Ross that when he returns to Capitol Hill in September that he must listen to his constituents and oppose ObamaCare."

Wilson said that "we are glad that Ross has heard our plea to meet with him. We want to hear from him and we want a commitment from Ross that he will oppose HR 3200 when it comes before the full House for a vote."

Wilson also said Ross is sending mixed messages regarding the legislation's allowing tax-funding of abortions.

He pointed to an Associated Press report from the Little Rock, Ark. town hall, that "many audience members cheered loudly when (Rep. Mike) Ross said he wouldn't back anything that would provide federal funding for abortions."

"But Ross has already done precisely that when he voted in favor of HR 3200 in the Energy and Commerce Committee," said Wilson. "This legislation will allow a new government-sponsored and -funded insurance plan to cover abortions."

"It is clear that the people of Arkansas and the nation are not happy with this legislation," said Don Harrell owner of El Dorado Printing. "Business men and women from Mike Ross' district have made it clear that this legislation will force doors in Mike Ross' district to close. We cannot afford this plan."

Harrell said taxpayers' concern is not just the cost, but the legislation itself.

"It is evident that Rep. Ross has not been listening to the will of his constituents," he said. "This is bad legislation that will turn our healthcare system over to federal government control. We trust that he will listen to us today."


Another Tea Party mailing:

For Immediate Release: August 12, 2009
Contact: Nancy Rumfelt 970-691-3446

"Hands Off My HealthCare" rally this Saturday in Grand Junction, CO during Presidential Visit

Tea Party activist and 9-12ers join forces with conservatives from four states

Grand Junction, Col. – Tea party activists and 9-12ers from Greeley, Fort Collins, and Loveland will join forces with the Western Slope Conservative Alliance and conservatives from across Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico to protest Barak Obama's socialized medicine proposals during the president's visit to Grand Junction this Saturday.

Activists will gather in Lincoln Park at 10:00 am this Saturday August 15th at the corner of 12th and North Avenue in Grand Junction, Colorado. Activists will then re-gather outside Central High School's Warrior Gym at 3:15 at 550 Warrior Way Grand Junction, CO 81504 the site of President Obama's health care town hall.

"We are asking everyone to wear a solid red, white, or blue shirt show our patriotism and to contrast the purple shirts worn by SEIU activists. Patriots and Conservatives are invited to bring signs that focus on Healthcare or Cap and Trade only," said Nancy Rumfelt, Chairman of the Loveland 9-12 Project.

"We have been writing letters, making phone calls, and lobbying our representative Betsy Markey in person for weeks to oppose HR 3200, 'Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009,'" said Rumfelt. "We came together with folks from all over Colorado last week during Speaker Pelosi's visit to Denver, and wanted to join forces with other conservatives throughout the Rocky Mountain region to let President Obama and Representative Markey know that this is NOT the plan that Coloradoans want."

# # #

Hmmm. The second email said called Obama's healthcare reform "socialized medicine." Well, let's look at the definition of socialism:

Socialism: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

Now, isn't Medicaid and social security socialism since it is government-run? What about welfare? And I wonder what type of society that many of the uninformed folks want to live in?

a. Capitalism?

Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

Of course, we live in capitalist world because we have free enterprise in this country to own your own business.

b. Communism?

Communism: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production.

Now one can argue that we sort of lived in communism for 8 years under dominate political party ran under a President and a controlled Congress and Senate.

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