Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wingnut News for Wednesday.

Had used old footage to imply VP had recently hailed strong economy.

GOP 'trackers' seek Dem 'macaca' moment

Right Winger Brad Blakeman compares Glenn Beck to Jon Stewart : It's as crazy as Jon Stewart's crazy

From 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Brad Blakeman seems to be
channeling a bit of Tucker Carlson's rhetoric with the 'Jon Stewart is not funny 'line, and he has the nerve to compare Stewart and Bill Maher to Glenn Beck. Last I checked, neither of them were insane liars who look like they've lost their damned mind on their shows and are running segments that would give most small children nightmares.
Shuster...I mean Rush Limbaugh it appears his ratings are up. Glenn Beck's ratings are through the roof. Glenn Beck was suggesting that the Obama administration is heading towards concentration camps with those Fema camps and he accuses the Obama administration of totalitarianism. Watch this: (clip)
Beck: We are a country that is headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond you're wildest imagination, I wanted to debunk these FEMA camps, I'm tired of hearing about them. I'm tired of hearing it. I wanted to debunk them....I can't debunk them
Shuster: I mean it's crazy isn't it?
Blakeman: It is, it's as crazy as Jon Stewart's crazy or Bill Maher's crazy on the left. These guys, you have a massive deception because you want to take people away from your horrid policies. You start attacking Rush Limbaugh---is not a member of our party...
Jon Stewart is a comedian...

Beck's economic illiteracy: 'We're in inflation now!'
Monday on his Fox News show, Beck invited on Stephen Mosher of the
Population Research Institute -- a "pro-life" organization set up to "debunk" concerns about overpopulation* -- to talk about the dire economic situation and why Obama is taking us taking us down the road to economic perdition. Mosher believes Obama's policies will bring about global inflation:
Mosher: Well, first of all, I do believe we face fairly substantial inflation over the next couple of years, because we're spending beyond our means, right? We're running up the bill on the credit card, and we keep going back to the bank -- not the Bank of America, or AIG -- we own it. We go back to China and say, 'Lend us more money, lend us more money.'
Beck: OK, what does it mean, a 'substantial inflation'? We're already, uh, we're already in inflation. What does substantial inflation mean to you?

Day Late and Dollar Short: Chris Matthews Shocked By NeoCon's Lies
Maybe we need to offer a course for the 24 hour News Channel talking heads in remedial journalism. Certainly, some refresher classes in very basic skills like oh....listening...are needed. My first candidate is Mr. "Hardball" himself, Chris Matthews. Matthews admits that he is so busy doing whatever it is he does to actually listen to his guests. It took a friend watching the show to tell Matthews after the fact that
Frank Gaffney derailed his segment right into Neocon Crazytown without Matthews even noticing.
MATTHEWS: I—some time—as you know, sitting in this desk, this side of the desk, Joe and Pat—you have tried to do this—we have all tried to do this—we try to catch everything that goes past us, so we can act in real time.
Sometimes, people say things on this show so fast, that they come out of left field or right field, and I don‘t even hear them. But a friend of mine called me up and said, pay attention to what Frank Gaffney said on your show on Thursday, and we went back and looked at the tape.

Perino Defends AIG Bonuses: They Are ‘Middle Class People’ Who ‘Are Expecting To Get This Bonus’
over the weekend that bailed-out insurance giant AIG will be paying $165 million in bonuses to executives “in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year” have sparked bipartisan outrage. Even ultra-conservative Bill Kristol expressed his anger in a column yesterday, asking rhetorically, “[I]f capitalism is to survive, shouldn’t the Republican party, the party that defends democratic capitalism, be particularly vehement in denouncing its excesses? Isn’t this a pretty spectacular one?”
However, it seems that Dana Perino, former President Bush’s press secretary, didn’t receive the memo. On C-Span’s Washington Journal on Sunday, Perino defended the bonuses:
PERINO: And the people who are working there that are middle-class people, are expecting to get this bonus. If they do not get it, maybe they won’t be motivated enough to try to help the company turn around and getting the company to turn around and be more profitable is important for all of us.
Perino then chastised the “rhetoric in Washington” that “can try to make things so black and white, and make things sound so easy — demonize people when I don’t think that that’s fair.”

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