Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wingnut News for Sunday's early edition.

Karl Rove Falsely Claims He Never Threatened Anybody Who Disagreed With Him
Friday night on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, former Bush adviser Karl Rove brazenly claimed that he never used his White House position to threaten anyone.
Host Bill O’Reilly caught Rove off-guard with this question: “Now in the Bush White House, did you guys ever threaten anybody who disagreed with you?” Rove hesitated, sputtered, and responded, “Not that — not that — you know — not that I recall.” O’Reilly pressed the point:
O’REILLY: So you never threatened?

Erin Burnett Questions Need For Extended Unemployment Benefits; Compares U.S. System to China as Model
Erin Burnett hides behind a viewer email to question whether or not the United States should be extending unemployment benefits for workers that have lost their jobs since so many people are "asking about it". I guess in Burnett's world our country would be better off if we were more like China from her comments.
I'd like to know when Burnett ever questioned whether one of these overpaid Wall Street a-holes she sucks up to every day deserves the golden parachutes they're walking away with after destroying our economy? How about that for a random thought to come out of that head of yours?
And of course Scar can't help himself with trying to one up her for the days biggest "compassionate conservative" and manages to get a shot in at single mothers before the segment is over. These people have no souls.

The truth that hurts: Bill O'Reilly really hates being called a nativist
On Friday's O'Reilly Factor, BillO dragged on Edward Schumacher-Matos, who'd had the audacity to recently
pen the following words in an op-ed piece:
The fury of Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs and other nativists in response to the news that the prime suspect wanted for the murder of Chandra Levy is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador could easily be dismissed as racism.
O'Reilly indeed tried to blame the Levy murder on illegal immigration (perhaps as a way to deflect attention from the fact that BillO's longtime favorite suspect, Gary Condit, was now clearly innocent).

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