Sunday, March 22, 2009

SPB News for Sunday.

Issues with voters back home have been festering for years, critics say.

Khamenei: Iran ready to change if U.S. leads
In address to thousands in holy Masshad: "change in words is not enough."
Administration Seeks Increase in Oversight of Executive Pay — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will call for increased oversight of executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies as part of a sweeping plan to overhaul financial regulation, government officials said.

‘Hillary: The Movie,’ now showing at Supreme Court — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - Months after its debut, “Hillary: The Movie” faces nine of the nation's toughest critics: the Supreme Court. — The justices' review of the slashing documentary financed

Obama says would not accept Geithner resignation — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said he would not accept Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's resignation if it was offered, according to excerpts from a television interview to be broadcast on Sunday.

Protests in Washington, Calif. call for war's end Before war protesters ended their demonstration Saturday afternoon, several placed cardboard coffins in front of the offices of northern Virginia defense contractors such as KBR Inc. and Lockheed Martin Corp. as riot police stood by. "Lockheed Martin you can't hide, we charge you with genocide!" they chanted as part of a demonstration that began in Washington to mark the sixth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Arlington County, Va., authorities estimated there were 2,500 to 3,000 protesters.


Anonymous said...

The comments from the Supreme leader appear as though he is willing to work, unlike the Imbecile & Supreme Leader Darth did. They just called Ahmadinejad part of the axis of evil amoung other nasties, (not realizing he is just a figurehead, like the Gerbil) then there was the national embarrassement of the ignorance of Lee Bollinger, who also did not know the head Ayatollah ran the country along with his cabinet of Ayatollah's.

airJackie said...

Thank you TGCN so true. Now I went on Al Jazeer website and again our Media spins the truth. The Iran Supreme Leader didn't object to Obama's message he is looking for action behind the words. Most Media wont report that Israel's President sent a video asking the Iran people to over throw their Govenment. This was the GOP plan to distract the Obama message. Don't worry the Supreme Leader is a wise smart man and can see what's being done by some in the US to evern over throw Obama/Biden. I really don't blame Israel as they have gotten billions of tax dollars and illegal weapons from the US over 8 years why would they want that to stop. Israel had planned for the US to bomb Iran so they could got the Palestine land. Oops that plans gone now.

I checked out Tim Geithners background and he has 20 years experience in World/US Economics. I wrote him and he answered so I'm behind him 120 per cent. Now Hank Paulson had no economic education or experience he was just a CEO of Goldman Sachs which explains why he needed an adviser and got us in this mess. Republicans want Tim to resign so Obama will appoint the Republican Economic Adviser Joe the Plummer. What's wrong with that picture?