Monday, March 23, 2009

Protesters to Palin: Take the recovery money.

ANCHORAGE — Dozens of protesters held signs Saturday criticizing Gov. Sarah Palin for turning away federal economic stimulus money they said is vital for education and other services for Alaskans.

"Mama Grizzly, you forgot your cub," said one sign.

"We need a governor, not a presidential candidate," said another.

The protesters staged the demonstration outside the Loussac Library, where Anchorage area state legislators met to hear from constituents.
Many asked for money to fund building projects, or urged passage of particular bills.
Read on.


airJackie said...

Sarah is busy trying to get money for her half million dollar debt. She has to also take care of Bristol and her two children plus First Dude and her other two daughters. Things are ruff for Sarah and right now she doesn't have time for the citizens of Alaska. She is still trying to hold on to the top spot in the Republican Party. She didn't do well trying to suck up to Obama but she sees Grand Poobah Limbaugh is often high on drugs and little Newt/Eric Cantor isn't doing well. Republican Economic Adviser Joe the Plummer is looking for sex so Sarah knows Joe isn't really for the top job. Look for Sarah to seek support from Russia in her move to the Election, she sees them from her window and will give them a shout out.

Anonymous said...

Jackie lol on "it's hard for a hooker in a recession"

She needs to get her last look at Russia from the Governor Mansion, because it looks like she will be sent packing at the end of her term.