Sunday, March 29, 2009

Planet Wingnuttia News for Sunday morning edition.

Michelle Bachmann sends pitiful earthlings a message from Planet Wingnuttia
Friday night on Sean Hannity's Fox show -- and
earlier on Glenn Beck's show as well -- we got the message loud and clear. Beam her up, Scotty!
You see, on Planet Wingnuttia, Congress cannot empower someone from the Executive Branch to carry out its edicts because it's not written into the Constitution. At least, that's what she told Hannity.
Bachmann: I will say, Sean, our Constitution is to have a strict, enumerated powers of government. Government was never intended to have this sort of an incredible intervention in the economy. We are not a centralized, planned economy -- at least we're not supposed to be. We're free-market capitalism.
But Bachmann keeps insisting that this is about a plan to "take the United States off the dollar" and institute a "One World Government" currency. The woman is channeling our late friend,
Helen Chenoweth.
And then she and Hannity wrap it up sweetly:
Bachmann: We're going to keep fighting for our freedom, Sean.
Hannity: And against tyranny.

Hardball: Is President Obama Bypassing the Media Filter?
Chris Matthews is apparently perplexed as to why President might want to bypass the national press corps with his on line town hall meeting.
Matthews: Well what's the President up to? Is he doing what he does well? Is he simply sticking to his strengths or is he trying to bypass what he sees as a problem area, meaning the national press corps?
Well being from the Politico you must be very proud Roger because you were the only news orgaization that writes as part of its work that got called on at the press conference the other night. He skipped the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, the Wall Street Journal. He didn't call on any of those people but he called on you guys.

Matt Taibbi: A Guy He Saw Huffing Glue Out of Paper Bag Made More Sense Than Michelle Bachmann
Leave it to Matt Taibbi to tear into Michelle Bachmann in a way only he can. Matthews had to know what type of response he was going to get here and Taibbi didn't disappoint. His reply when asked about some of
Michelle Bachmann's latest hackery.
Taibbi: You know it's funny this morning outside of Penn Station I saw a guy huffing glue out of a paper bag, and he was making more sense than Michelle Bachmann was making. I can't believe it. You need to pass a written test to drive a car in this country but I bet this woman can't even write her name in the ground with a stick. I mean it's just unbelievable to me that this person is in the Congress.

O'Reilly thinks CNBC hired Howard Dean to placate 'the far-left loons'
Bill O'Reilly doesn't seem to care how much of a self-promoting shill he makes himself appear when he starts talking about cable-network ratings. Because he never makes one of these reports without claiming that Fox is Teh Awesome in the ratings, while MSNBC and CNN are always about to swirl down the toilet.
Rrrrrright. That would explain why
Rupert Murdoch just reported a $6.4 billion loss.
But O'Reilly ought to consider it a warning when even Bernie Goldberg, fergawdsake, is telling him that his cockamamie Unified Theory of Media Suckage -- which explains that so many media entities are in trouble financially because they're liberal, of course -- is a load o'crap. Especially when he starts speculating, as he does in this segment, that CNBC hired Howard Dean as a contributor in order to placate and other "far left loons."
O'Reilly: Well, we have a gentlemen's disagreement on that. The sop to them was, 'Don't hurt us anymore, and we'll put Howard Dean on.' That was the deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Faux News hired O'Reilly and all the other right wingnut blowhards to placate the GOP 24/7.