Sunday, March 22, 2009

Palin buried in debt, may launch a legal fund.


The Anchorage Daily News reports that Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) owes more than half a million dollars “to an Anchorage law firm that has defended her against ethics complaints, and she may create a legal fund to pay the bill.” In her written response to the ADN, Palin described the charges that have cost her so much money as “baseless” and “ridiculous”:
Still trying to portray herself as a populist, Palin said that because of the “blood sport some are playing today” in politics, it seems that only the independently wealthy or those willing to spend their income on legal fees to defend their official actions in office … can serve.”


Anonymous said...

She had best enjoy her view of Russia from the Governor's Mansion while she can because the chances of her living there another term aren't looking good each and every day.

PrissyPatriot said...

Couldn't happen to a more phony American. Maybe they can work harder on Alaska's succession...

PrissyPatriot said...

Couldn't happen to a more phony American. Maybe they can work harder on Alaska's succession...

airJackie said...

This comment is the truth and for woman only. Mr. Kitty cover your eyes with your paws.

Sarah got were she is now the old fashion way on her back. She will no either have to sell drugs or call in the Johns she has in her little back book. Her bio reads like a normal pretty dumb girl who used her looks and body to get what see wanted. As she came to her hotel door with only a robe on to greet her Fox News interviewers nothing has changed. Those chicken wing dinners like Scooter Libby had wont bring in enough money. Don't be surprised if Sarah taxes the citizens to get the money. It's hard out there for a hooker in this Recession.