Saturday, March 21, 2009

Orszag to SC Governor: Can't shift ARRA funds from job-creation activities to paying state debts.


Friday, March 20, 2009

OMB Responds to South Carolina Governor’s Second Request for Funding Waiver

Washington, DC — The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today responded to a second inquiry from South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. The Governor is seeking to shift Recovery Act funds from job-creation activities to retiring other state debts.

To view the March 20, 2009, letter from OMB Director Peter Orszag, follow this link. Click here.

Here is an excerpt from Orszag's letter to Sanford:

The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund is a one-time appropriation in Title XIV of the Recovery Act.

The Fund consists of approximately $48.6 billion that the U.S. Department of Education will award to States to help address State and local budget shortfalls in order to minimize or avoid reductions in education and other essential services. As a condition of receiving stabilization funds, the Recovery Act requires States’ assurances that they will advance essential education reform in four areas: (1) make progress toward rigorous college- and career-ready standards and high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable for all students; (2) establish pre-K-to-college-and-career data systems that track longitudinal progress and foster continuous educational improvement; (3) make improvements in teacher effectiveness and in the equitable distribution of qualified teachers between high- and low-poverty schools; and (4) provide intensive support and effective interventions for the lowest-performing schools. In addition, States must assure that they will maintain State support for elementary, secondary, and higher education at certain levels for fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011. (ARRA § 14005(d).)

You have proposed using the Stabilization Fund monies for “paying down [your] state’s sizable debt.” However, the Act does not authorize the Department of Education to award Stabilization Fund monies to a State for that purpose.

I am sure that the White House will keep a close eye on South Carolina recovery money since this is the second letter that Orszag has to school Sanford.


airJackie said...

Something tells me one of these corrupt Govenors will be charged with a crime as they do their best to steal the Stimulus money. Just think this SC Govenor wants to be President while he might not last as Govenor. I can see the headlines now former convicted Govenor Stanford is running for President of the United States. Yes he was conviced of misusing taxpayers Stimulus money but now wants to run the Country.

airJackie said...

Oh I forgot something agin I like the 6th Beatle Peter Orszag. He's really smart and knows what he's doing. Now these Govenors would be smart not to mess with him. If a crime is committed Peter will take it to Eric Holder. Mr. Holder already said in his confirmation hearing anyone who commits a crime with be prosecuted no matter who they are. I might be asking Randall Samborn for alot of passes to trials coming up in the next couple of years.