Monday, March 30, 2009

Open thread for Monday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I saw Bush say that in a speech on David Letterman's Presidential Moments. It was too funny and I really cried because he is so stupid and being drunk he didn't know it. I can't remember any President more stupid then Bush and it explains by his Mother and Father are so ill now. Just think raising a child to the level of President only to see he's the laughing stock of the World. Not only is he as dumb as a door knob but he's a drunk/druggie that embaressment to the Family. I hope George W. doesn't speak at his trial because they might find he's unfit to comprehen what's he's charged with. If Republicans and other loyal Bushies were really his friends they would get him some serious help. I read he's depress because everyone is now talking about him. The World Leaders are really having a big laugh. Most are acting like they never knew him at all. He hasn't gotten any invites as former President. Everybody is Obama Obama and even World Leaders are attaching themselves to Obama to show their citizens they are working with him.