Monday, March 23, 2009

Iran to Obama: "You change, our behavior will change."

And of course, the real Supreme Leader on top pic. Ignore that man with the turban asleep in the below pic. ;-)

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has responded to U.S. President Barack Obama's offer of better relations by demanding policy changes from Washington, but the Islamic state is not closing the door to a possible thaw in ties with its old foe.
Iran wants the United States to show concrete change in its behavior toward it, for example by handing back frozen assets, but Tehran is not pursuing "eternal hostility," said Professor Mohammad Marandi at Tehran University.

"I think they (the Iranian leadership) are quite willing to have better relations if the Americans are serious," said Marandi, who heads North American studies at the university.

A day after Obama held out the prospect of a "new beginning" of diplomatic engagement, Iran's top authority spoke at length on Saturday about its grievances against the United States and said he saw no real policy shift yet by the new administration.

But Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all matters of state, also added in his speech at Iran's most prominent religious shrine in the northeastern city of Mashhad: "You change, our behavior will change."
Read on.


airJackie said...

Israel jumped in with a video to counter act Obama's video. As Obama called for a new beginning Israel's President called for the Iran people to over throw their Govenment. Israel is upset that the US is no longer going along with their plans to attack Iran. Now Israel will be charged with War Crimes in the Palestine Holocaust and look for Israel to drag the US in that mess. Yes the Bush Administration went along with plan and did their part. Now Obama has washed his hands of that mess. Look for a real change in the old Israel US relationship in the future. At lease Obama is educationed in the Middle East culture and that will go a long way.

Anonymous said...

Cute pic of the former US Supreme leader!
Really, it's about not getting into another mess, another one we can't afford life wise (as in soldiers, and all the unfortunate civilians) but also economically we can't. Obama and Hilary are smart enough to know this.