Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bowing down to the man: Tedisco takes back negative remarks about El Rushbo

Must be something in the water..

Crooks and Liars:

That didn't take long. After saying "Rush Limbaugh is meaningless to me" on Thursday, Republican New York Assemblyman Jim Tedisco's camp walked back the statement on Friday.

Tedisco is facing off against Democrat Scott Murphy in the race for Sen. Kristen Gillibrand's (D-N.Y.) former House seat.

Here is the full statement from Tedisco spokesman Adam Kramer:

Jim's comments were in response to a question about what voters are asking him about on the campaign trail. So far, the concerns he has been hearing from voters on the campaign trail have been local in nature, such as his support for lower property taxes, fiscal responsibility, and his opponents appalling support for the AIG bonus loophole. That was his point and any effort to characterize it otherwise is a distortion of the facts.

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