Tuesday, January 13, 2009

White House interns forced to fill seats at Bush’s last press conference to make the room seem less empty.

lol Sad...


When the White House announced President Bush’s final press conference yesterday, it sent a bulletin to reporters declaring “one correspondent per organization” and “standing room only for non-seat holders.” But as the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank points out, not enough reporters attended for the presser to make it “standing room only”:

Further complicating his last-minute legacy rehabilitation: Nobody seems to be paying attention. The White House had high expectations for yesterday’s final, historic news conference. “ONE CORRESPONDENT PER ORGANIZATION,” proclaimed the bulletin sent to reporters. “STANDING ROOM ONLY FOR NON-SEAT HOLDERS.” But when the appointed hour of 9:15 a.m. arrived, the last two rows in the seven-row briefing room were empty, and a press aide told White House interns to fill those seats.


Anonymous said...

Seriously there are so many press people who are so happy they don't have to be in the excruiatingly stupid Gerbil Press conferences where he chuckles and hee hees through them saying the same canned answers his handlers fed him, and now they know the Gerbil is one big lame soussed duck and no one cares or will waste ink or air time on anything he has to say.
Yes, interns will have to painfully look interested when that numb nuts Gerbil jokes and trys to sound intelligble.
What a relief to all the regulars who had to cover his little speeches, not to have to report on his chit chats.
Many will be so glad when the White House is rid of that trash from Texas

Anonymous said...
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airJackie said...

A party that no one showed up for.
Those real Journalist who didn't come didn't miss anything. Bush sound like a lunatic who needed medication or a doctor. He was actully arguing with himself and attacking the Journalist.