Saturday, January 10, 2009

SPB News for Saturday.

Digital TV Senator Bernie Sanders proposed help defraying the cost of antennas that could run into the hundreds of dollars for lower-income people and the elderly who will be disproportionately affected by the pending digital switch, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. To read the article on Bernie’s bill, click here.
Baltimore Mayor Charged With Perjury, Theft, And Misconduct

Halliburton blames Army for dead drivers

Boeing Will Slash 4,500 Positions In 2009

Judge Denies Attempt To Hide WH Visitor Logs

Baltimore Mayor Charged With Perjury, Theft, And Misconduct

NOLA cops shot man 12 times in the back

Bush Prepares to Ask for Second Tranche of Bailout Funds --If Congress Fails to Approve Request, Administration Plans to Use Veto Power Senior Bush regime officials are preparing to ask lawmakers for the second half of the $700 billion financial rescue package despite intense opposition in Congress and then have Dictator Bush use his veto if the request is voted down, three sources familiar with the matter said. The initiative, which is being coordinated with the Obama transition team, may be taken within days, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity because no announcement has been made.

Ill. Sec. of State White started making plans for retire
Secretary of State Jesse White has started making plans to retire from politics for good.“I plan to seek one more term as secretary of state and then retire once that term ends in 2014,” White told the Defender. “Once I retire, I will have more time to spend with my family and the tumbling team.”


Anonymous said...

Jesse White is now a household name. How many Secretary of State's for any other
State can anyone name off hand? How many in their own state know who their Secretary of State is before they get their license renewal?

And now that the State of Illinois is in the spotlight, and the Obama Presidency now getting a lot less ink, we need to just let Roland Burris in the Senate, let that die down, the shooting after a HS Basketball game is national news.....I don't even have to watch local news anymore to find out what is going on in my State.

Anonymous said...

Oh ya the Baltimore mayor...he's lucky so much is going on in Illinois and that won't be getting all the air time it deserves.