Saturday, January 10, 2009

Senate releases witness list for Holder hearings


The Senate Judiciary committee has released its witness list for the confirmation hearings of Attorney General nominee Eric Holder, to begin Thursday:
The list:

The Honorable John W. Warner, Former United States Senator from Virginia
The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton, Congresswoman from the District of Columbia
Panel I:
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Panel II:
The Honorable Louis J. Freeh, Former Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Chuck Canterbury, National President, Fraternal Order of Police
John Payton, President and Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Witness to be designated by the Minority
Witness to be designated by the Minority

On a side note: The witnesses called for testimony are all Republicans.

Click here on Senator Leahy's website

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Big important people on that list SPB. I decided to make my recommandation to confirm Eric Holder. Yes I told Senator Leahy I'm just a Black American voter with no title but I did research Mr. Holer's background. Now to the question of the Marc Rich Pardon I explained only the President can approve a Pardon. We've just had an example with Bush giving Toussie a Pardon then taking it back. Mr. Holder earned the right to move up as AG. He knows the job by working with Janet Reno. Now we're watch the confirmation of Ashcoff wiithout a problem or questions asked. We watch the confirmation of Gonzo who couldn't answer the questions but got everyone vote. Even Diane Feinstein said it's the Presidents choice. Now doesn't Obama have the same right to choose his Cabinet that Bush did. Ok Bush's choices committed crimes and still today the current AG is stalling and lying under oath yet it doesn't seem to be a problem for the Committee. Obama promised Change and we will have Change or many Law Makers will join those on the unemployment line. Remember Law Makers got a raise for doing nothing, Americans can demand that raise be taken back.

Yes I know I said alot but I now am allowed to speak out, thanks to Obama/Biden.

Oh and I called Barbara Boxer with my strong support of my girl Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State I really can't tell you what I told Barbara about Bush's choices as that's between me and Senator Boxer.