Monday, January 12, 2009

Senate Dems will seat Blago appointee Burris.

And it is about time! I am not for or against Burris, but the Secretary of State of Illinois Jesse White did certify Burris as the junior Senator. Both Reid and Durbin look like buffoons to the public in this matter to drag on this political theater with the media.

Via TPM:
The Secretary of the Senate has determined that the new credentials presented today on behalf of Mr. Burris now satisfy Senate Rules and validate his appointment to the vacant Illinois Senate seat. . . . "As we had outlined to Mr. Burris, a path needed to be followed that respects the rules of the Senate. We committed to Mr. Burris that once those requirements were satisfied, we would be able to proceed. We are pleased that everything is now in order, we congratulate Senator-designee Burris on his appointment and we look forward to working with him in the 111th Congress."

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