Thursday, January 08, 2009

SEIU Head to Congress: Treat Main Street bailout with same urgency as Wall Street bailout.

Good for him!


SEIU president Andy Stern just put out a statement calling for Congress to quickly pass Barack Obama's stimulus package, showing how labor is falling in line to mobilize support for the new president's agenda.

Stern rebuts anyone complaining about the price-tag of the package, pointing out that Congress didn't have too many problems with a different big-spending bill a few months back:

Full statement after the jump.


WASHINGTON, DC - SEIU President Andy Stern issued the following statement following President-elect Obama's speech on the economy at George Mason University.

"People keep trying to draw comparisons, but the truth is that this moment is like no other in history.
For many, times have never been so tough. A failing economy and a broken health care system have put the squeeze on millions of families. Yet, people remain hopeful - excited about what could be.

Yesterday, SEIU announced a huge 35-state effort to help Main Street by ensuring Change that Works through passage of an economic recovery package, passing comprehensive health care reform and ensuring workers have freedom to choose a voice at work. Our two million members agree with the urgency reinforced this morning by President-elect Obama that Congress must act now to address this crisis and relieve the pain for working families before a bad situation becomes dramatically worse.

"This is about saving jobs in cash-strapped states where the crucial services our families are counting on are being cut, such as Massachusetts, where one-quarter of caseworkers who help the mentally ill are being laid off. This is about getting people back to work by creating millions of new jobs where workers' voices are respected and where they earn wages and benefits that support a family. This is about investing in a stronger future by fixing our health care system so that keeping our families' healthy poses no threat to our economic security and prosperity.

"If Congress needs just three weeks to pass a Wall Street bailout, then we should be able to count on our leaders to pass Main Street relief with as much urgency. Now is the time to make that change that works by getting our economy back on track and building a country where the dreams we have for our families and our children can come true."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Boehner and McConnell have made it clear their not interested in helping the American people. Now look for them to give the Porn Industry what they want as that's more important. I was a little surprised at John Kerry but after he pretty much stabbed John Edwards in the back during the Primary anything goes. John Kerry would steal the Presidentcy from Obama in a quick minute. It's all about power and a Senior Law Maker that has a serious problem with a much younger President who has not only the American people but the World on his side.