Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sanders wins! Smithsonian agrees to revise Bush portrait caption.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gets results! The director of the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery, Martin Sullivan, has just written back to Sanders' plea for a little logical cohesion in the caption hanging beneath the museum's new portrait of George W. Bush.

The portrait's caption, describing the Bush era, originally said that the 9/11 attacks "led to" the war in Iraq. After Sanders pointed out the obvious flaw in that causal correlation -- Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 -- Sullivan replied:

"Our intention was to remind viewers of the portrait that the listed events were defining moments in the Bush presidency, within the limited space of an object label. I appreciate your concern, however, about the words 'led to.' We will revise the label and delete the words 'led to.'"

1 comment:

airJackie said...

One correction many more to go. Bush has lied so much about everything it will take many years to make other corrections. When the full story comes how most Americans will be ashame of what will be said for the 8 year Bush/Cheney Crime Spree.