Saturday, January 10, 2009

Publisher: Bush will receive ‘minimal interest’ on the lecture circuit.


In 2007, President Bush told biographer Robert Draper that he would “replenish the ol’ coffers” by going around and giving speeches after office, where he could make “ridiculous money.” But it’s unlikely that Bush will be rolling in the dough. Interviewed by the Daily Beast, a publisher said Bush will likely only receive “minimal interest” because of his unpopularity:

“My feeling is that for the first year there probably will be minimal interest in him,” said one agent who works in the public speaking business. “There have been other former presidents who’ve been unpopular leaving office, but nobody’s ever been this unpopular. After a year, though, people forget and then he’ll have a very lucrative career.”


PrissyPatriot said...

After a YEAR people will forget? LOL Yeah sure, while they are standing in the bread lines...

airJackie said...

Not many people are interested in buying a coloring book with few real big words. Bush is an idot and what he should do is sell his Presidential speeches as comedy because that's what they are. Who knows he can make more money then Bill Clinton if he did that. I stay up just to watch David Letterman's Presidential Speeches and it's the laugh of the day. But sad Americans allowed this stupit, drunk, druggie man to have two terms.