Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Preckwinkle to challenge Todd Stroller.

* Preckwinkle has been quietly doing the groundwork for this bid over the past several days, checking in with various top politicos and getting things in order…
In an interview at City Hall, Chicago Alderman Toni Preckwinkle (4th) confirmed buzz that she intends to run and will kick her campaign into high gear shortly after returning from Mr. Obama’s inauguration next week. […]

“I like Todd Stroger as a person, but I think this is not the job for him,” the alderman said, showing no signs of backing off despite what insiders say is pressure from Mr. Stroger not to run. “The kindest thing you can say is, he’s inept.” […]

The political question is how Ms. Preckwinkle would do if another Stroger foe, County Commissioner Forrest Claypool, runs again, this time in the February 2010 Democratic primary. Mr. Claypool has said he’ll decide this summer.

While Ms. Preckwinkle and Mr. Stroger presumably would split the black vote, she and Mr. Claypool both have an appeal to lakefront liberals and other progressive groups. Ms. Preckwinkle noted that she’s already started talking to groups like the Metropolitan Planning Council and Metropolis 2020 about making Cook County government into a regional leader.

(h/t Capitol Fax Blog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, this is yet to be another circus that will be starting up.
We just get no reprive.