Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jackson, Jr. criticizes Burris for allowing "racialization" of IL Senate seat controversy

Good point by Jesse Jackson, Jr:

Jackson supported Burris’ effort to claim the seat to which he was appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich but criticized him for allowing his supporters to play the race card. This “racialization of the Senate seat is going to be a profound problem for Democrats,” Jackson told Politico.

Big difference of supporting a colleague for fighting for the Senate seat and using the race card as a sense of entitlement for the Senate seat. Burris' mentality is no different from Jackson Jr.'s father's mentality. Burris has to understand as the new junior Senator of Illinois that the Senate seat is not an African-American seat, Caucasian seat, Hispanic seat, or any ethnicity seat. It is a Senate seat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesse needs to lay low, he might be one of the considered candidates for that seat.