Friday, January 09, 2009

Ill. Supremes reject Burris' lawsuit; Blago gives a bizarre news conference.

* 12:52 pm - The Illinois Supreme Court has just rejected Senator-Designate Roland Burris’ motion to force Secretary of State Jesse White to co-sign Burris’ appointment form…

Because the Secretary of State had no duty under section 5(1) of the Secretary of State Act (15 ILCS 305/5(1) (West 2006)) to sign and affix the state seal to the document issued by the Governor appointing Roland Burris to the United States Senate, Petitioners are not entitled to an order from this court requiring the Secretary to perform those Acts. Under the Secretary of State Act, the Secretary’s sole responsibility was to register the appointment (15 ILCS 305/5(2) (West 2006)), which he did. No further action is required by the Secretary of State or any other official to make the Governor’s appointment of Roland Burris to the United States Senate valid under Illinois law. Moreover, to the extent that additional proof of the validity of the appointment is necessary, Illinois law provides a mechanism for obtaining it without the need for judicial intervention.

For the foregoing reasons, petitioners’ request for issuance of a writ of mandamus is denied. Mandate to issue forthwith.
The ball is now in US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s, um, court.

Source:Capitol Fax Blog

And this. Blago gives his press conference of his reaction to House impeaching him. Blago is definitely a mental case. And his backdrop in defending himself is plain tacky.

Women, minorities, crying babies and a man in a wheelchair served as the backdrop on stage at a news conferenece rembattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
He discussed how he has pushed the House, for “real and meaningful” housing, for cancer screenings and other policy initiatives.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I knew I was right Burris is on the investigations tapes and has been wheeling and dealing with G-Rod for a long time. Now we fine out Burris did use a close friend of G-Rods to take a message about wanting the Senate Seat long before Obama even look like he was going to win. Burris didn't read the complaint Fitz filed because Burris knew his dealing was a while ago and didn't know Fitz has information for 5 years. After the Senate does it's home work Burris just might decide to stay out of this one. He is a backroom dealer and time isn't on his side.

G-Rod is just to funny but he's not crazy. He uses race like a tissue. He brought all these people on the stage as props and then read a poen that didn't fit. We heard about his parents life of struggle as if that means he can be corrupt. G-Rod forgot to tell the press he made sure his brother got paid 12,000 dollars a month. That's alot of money to give your brother. G-Rod knows he will be impeached but he's looking for a top job in business from friends who don't want their names exposed.