Saturday, January 10, 2009

Former OJJDP Administrator Shay Bilchik wouldn't name a person that he endorses as Flores' replacement.

As there is less than 10 days left under Obama is sworn in as the next 44th President of the U.S., current OJJDP Administrator J. Robert Flores will be unemployed soon fron his position as he is still currently under investigation his grant decision making practices, alleged illegal hiring of employee for a contractual position, and questionable business trips.

Former OJJDP Administrator Shay Bilchik, who now runs the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown, appeared on this week the JJ Matters radio show. According to, reporter John Kelly shared some insights on Bichik's recommendations on the next OJJDP Administrator under the Obama Administration:

He[Bilchik] wouldn't name a particular person he endorses for OJJDP Administrator, but here is what he thought the person should be like: not afraid to meet and work with people who do not agree with him or her, committed to bringing the agency's focus back to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requirements, and with experience running a fairly large JJ agency at some point. In other words, Vinny Schiraldi? Bilchik mentioned a few other good candidates to JJ Today though, and likely will have the chance to give a list to someone in President-elect Obama's leadership circle.

Vincent Schiraldiv is the director, D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services. Sounds like a good candidate. Or maybe Charles Ogletree? Ogletree taught both Barack and Michelle Obama at Harvard. He is an advocate on civil rights and race. And Ogletree is the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section JuvenileJustice Committee who co-chaired townhall meeting a couple of months ago in a panel discussions on improving the juvenile justice system under the next Administration.Click here to view the panel topics.

Whoever replaces J. Robert Flores as OJJDP Administrator, it is my only hope that entire OJJDP and grant decision making process are restored with integrity, trust, transparency and great leadership.

Here is Bilchik's interview on JJ Matters radio show:

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