Saturday, January 10, 2009

Foggo prosecutors want secret testimony revealed.


Prosecutors in the Dusty Foggo case are urging the judge to make public secret grand jury testimony, saying that the American people has a right to know the extent of Foggo's misconduct, the AP reports.
They also argued that the testimony should be considered by the judge at Foggo's sentencing hearing, which is scheduled for next month.
Prosecutors won't say what the specific information that they want released from the transcripts is.


PrissyPatriot said...

"One of the reasons prosecutors accepted the plea deal, Forge said, was the logistical difficulties of coordinating testimony from CIA agents who are flung around the world on covert missions."

I guess they don't know about CCTV or audio?

airJackie said...

Look for the names Perini Corp. and URS corp to be on the list as there are companies owned by Diane Feinstein's husband Richard Blum. Yes Mr. Blum made millions with illegal deals with the help of his wife Senator Feinstein. I don't think Barbara Boxer will bring charges of corruption against Diane because then Speaker Pelosi might be next has her husband got millions dollars in contracts for Nancy to keep the Impeachment of the Table. Nancy did as she was paid to do even knowing it was a slam dunk Impeachment against Bush/Cheney.