Thursday, January 08, 2009

Breaking: Ill. House Panel recommends Blago impeachment


A panel of the Illinois House has released its report recommending that Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich be impeached. The full report is here.

The report finds "the totality of the evidence" provides cause to impeach the governor.

The panel may vote on whether to approve the report today. If it approves, the full House could vote tomorrow, and then pass it to the Illinois Senate.

The list of exhibits attached to the report. Click here.

And this:

Blago lawyers want U.S. attorney off case

Attorneys for Gov. Rod Blagojevich asked the federal courts today to kick U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and his staff off the case and end the governor's prosecution.

Attorney Sheldon Sorosky told reporters the move is based on comments Fitzgerald made at last month's news conference in which he announced the federal corruption charges against the governor.

A federal prosecutor told Chief U.S. District Court Judge James Holderman that the move was "meritless," during a hearing this afternoon on whether secret recordings of Blagojevich can be released to lawmakers pursuing impeachment.

A copy of the motion was not immediately available as it was delivered to the judge under seal this morning. The judge said the motion would be made public today.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I don't blame G-Rod I wouldn't want Fitz handling my case either because G-Rod hosed as Fitz is just that good as a lawyer unlike AG Lisa Lisa who is clueless.

G-Rod's days are numbered as just a few and looks like Burris made the wrong move. Now G-Rod will have to start naming names on others to get a plea agreement.

Burris is so funny he said under oath he was planning on fulling Obama's seat in July. Problem the Primaries were finished and Hillary was strong. Burris said he never read Fitz's complaint against G-Rod and really didn't know much about it. Now I'm in California he's in Chicago yet he knows nothing and I read the complaint. Burris knows he took the deal and can't even lie right he's so confused. It's sad to see a 71 year old man with a good record be so greedy for the Senate Seat he's will to make a deal with the devil. With his conduct and lack on looking into important matters what kind of Senator would he be anyway. Burris well be now known as the man who Impeached G-Rod called his friend and appointed him to the Senate under a cloud of corruption.