Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bernie Madoff ripped off his sister.

Bernie Madoff is in the news yesterday after snubbing his own sister, Sondra Wiener, and for remaining free on bail, thanks to a US judge.

Bernie, who remains under house arrest with additional restrictions, has spared no one in his destructive criminal path - including his sister.

Madoff apparently scammed his sis out of millions of dollars, leaving her and her husband completely broke, not to mention betrayed.

Sondra Wiener, who lives in Palm Beach enclave BallenIsles Country Club alongside other celebs, such as Venus and Serena Williams, "has nothing," according to a neighbor of the 74-year-old.
"It seems like she was a victim in this. It didn't seem like she saw it coming.

What kind of person scams their own sister?"A source revealed Sondra lost $3 million in her brother's scam: "She lost millions in this whole thing."

Source: Post Chronicle

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The Feds will give Madoff a plea deal why? Madoff has big names and even Countries that have been robbing the US taxpayers and of couse the Wealthy. This corruption wasn't started by Madoff alone, it goes much deeper and a circle of friends got it started in 2000. Bush got the election with donations for many who looked for a big profit and they got it. Many Jewish people even those in Govenment/Law Makers have profitted from the Bush Crime Spree. This goes much deeper then Madoff and if he were to go to trial it just might bring down much of the US Leadership. Israel was heavy in the stealing and so was many famous names. Madoff just went on his own stealing spree as others did the same when they knew the time was coming to an end. Look Greenspan quickly put his money overseas and even changed the currency. Many Foreign Leaders and Wealthy people got their profits. Did anyone think why did the Caryle Group close shop so fast after making the biggest profit in history. Madoff is allowed to stay at home when others would be in jail. Madoff knows the Judge has no choice and this case better be finished before Obama takes office as he might change the Prosecutor. Stealing and lying is the what this 8 years was all about and it's to bad Madoff's sister wasn't in on the plan but you can bet people who say they lost millions really they have been getting millions over the 8 years.