Sunday, January 11, 2009

14 Percent of U.S. adults can't read.

About 14 percent of U.S. adults won't be reading this article. Well, okay, most people won't read it, given all the words that are published these days to help us understand and navigate the increasingly complex world.

But about 1 in 7 can't read it. They're illiterate.

Statistics released by the U.S. Education Department this week show that some 32 million U.S. adults lack basic prose literacy skill. That means they can't read a newspaper or the instruction on a bottle of pills.

The figures are for 2003, the latest year available. State and county results are available here.

Source: Yahoo News

1 comment:

airJackie said...

You think! With a President who as dumb as a door knob and Law Makers who don't know how many State are in the USA and haven't read the US Constitution what do you expect for Americans. This idiot group were chosen by people who can't read. The US is one of the lowest in the World in education. Most of the time when Obama is speaking even the Media can't understand him because they can't read. Look Joe the Plummer is a Journalist, Republicans picked Sarah Palin who says she reads a Starbucks cup for World news and she can see Russia from her window as her Foreign Policy expeerience. We do have smart educated people but to many dumb Americans pick the dumbies. Slick people like Feinstein, Lieberman and others know how to work the dumb Americans. Look Palin brought the wing nuts out in full force. Bush is still reading My Pet Goat as the kids he was with in 2001 have moved on and are teenager more smarter then George W.