Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Video: Protesters celebrate shoe-throwing journalist in protest outside White House.

A small group of anti-war activists gathered outside the White House Wednesday to show solidarity with the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush last weekend.

Members of the theatrical protest brigade Code Pink left several dozen pairs of shoes in front of the White House to represent some of the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed during the war in Iraq, and they called for the release of Muntadar al-Zaidi. It was Bush, they said, who should be in jail.

"It's not enough to throw a shoe at him, he needs to be hauled before an international court and charged for war crimes," Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said.

The event also had elements of street theater as the dozen or so protesters who showed up took turns hurling their own footwear at a Bush impersonator. It was quite the cathartic event for some of the demonstrators, who have frequently expressed their outrage at the president's abuses of power and misguided foreign invasions.

Read on.


airJackie said...

I might sound unpopular but I agree with these people. Saddam is said to kill/missing 500,000 people while many were found living in other countries. Bush has killed 1 million Iraqis and made homeless 5 million people. He has destroyed the water, electic system and brought chaos and lies to that country. I already emailed the United Natiions and asked that they file charges of War Crimes against the Bush Administration. The US Law Makers played a part in this so they will not bring charges. Pelosi got her kick back as she refuse to Impeach Bush.

Anonymous said...

The shoe throwing reporter is now a cult hero, many of the middle eastern news sites have pictures of people with "Bush" painted on the bottom of their shoes.

Iraq will never be Iraq again, so many innocent people killed, so many families torn apart. I feel for these people, it is just too sad.

I feel for Obama, and Sec of State Hilary for the mess they must clean up.

Anonymous said...

regardless of the fervor and the sentiment that bush is soooooooo guilty, the professionalism of both the reporter and bush is so low rent.

SP Biloxi said...

Let's keep in mind the disrespect the public and media had for the Iranian President when he wanted to lay a reef to respect the 9/11 victims and when he spoke at Columbia University. Both Iraqi journalist and Bush showed a lack of professionalism but we aren't exactly perfect either. The journalist had a right to express his anger at Bush. The Western culture and far different from non-Western culture thinking.

Media needs to stop making excuses for the Gerbil's behavior here and overseas and be honest: that all of the international countries can't stand him and hate him. And he has destroyed Iraq and the Iraqi people with his lies. What he gave out in Iraq is what he is getting back in return.

Anonymous said...

Good point Biloxi, Ahmadinejad was treated worse and Bolinger at Columbia is still there and the President. That was the most abomidable performance by the head of a college known for professional journalism. It just degraded the degrees and credibility of anyone graduating from there. It just shows they won't be non partisan and nonjudgemental when fairly reporting the news.

Also not letting Ahmadinejad show that he expresses grief for what happened on 9/11 made it look like we were also blaming him. That was very prejudice considering we knew Middle Easterns were responsible for 9/11 we condemned all Middle Easterns. That just shows the ignorance of this administration, and shows how they don't want to work with people because of preconcieved ideas.
What is even more amazing is Bollinger is still in his position that shows you that despite world critism on this and the Deans of Iranian colleges writing an intelligent response to Bollinger, Bollinger is still there.
Shoe throwing is so minor compared to what Bollinger did and what we did by not letting Ahmadinejad place a wreath